Friday, April 17, 2009

Ready for a change

I'm an impulsive person. As much as I overanalyze every little detail of my life, I have a tendency to make really big decisions on a whim. For instance, every tattoo I have, piercing my septum, going to school in Seattle, changing my major to Communications, moving in with Brian Early. I've never regretted any of this decisions, well at least not yet. As you may know, some of these have worked out better than others. Apart from being impulsive, I also change my mind quite a bit. These traits combined are making college an especially lengthy and expensive venture. If I had done the logical thing, I would have gone to CU Boulder straight from high school and I would be almost done with a math major and would have significantly less student loans to pay off. But where's the fun in that? Instead I paid two and a half years of out of state tuition, changed my mind about my major, experimented with classes from all sorts of random departments, got tired of rain and transferred. Now I am being forced to take bundles of different gen ed classes and toying with the idea of changing my major again. Most recently, the goal has been a Comm major, math minor, and then an elementary education teaching certificate. I've been contemplating switching to just a math education major, but I haven't been able to commit to that. I think that the Comm major has a negative connotation as being a slacker degree, and I'm gonna agree that it is easier than math, but I genuinely enjoy it. I love people and I've always been relatively good at talking, so I feel like Communications is fitting. I've rambled so much in this post, here is what I've been trying to say all along. Yesterday, I was browsing the Save the Children website. I clicked on the link for careers and noticed the ones filed under Communications and PR and I realized, I would love to work for someone like that. Yesterday was TOMS One Day Without Shoes so I had their company in mind as well. I've always just wanted to help people and there are so many organizations that I feel are really making a difference out there. I want to be a part of it. As far as school goes, I'm sticking with the Comm major and I'm going to start taking Spanish again. Check back in 6 months to see what my plan is by then.

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